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Structured Light Scanning Technology Gives 3D Engineering Solutions Full Range of Tools for Increased Accuracy in 3D Scanning Service

3D Engineering Solutions has added another dimension to their 3D laser scanning services with the acquisition of astructured light scanning tool, the Steinbichler Comet L3D, which uses LED blue light technology and can capture up to two million points in 1.5 seconds. 3D Engineering has already used the new technology for turbine blade and impeller inspection, and mold and tool making. The structured light scanner is useful in applications such as 3D scanning, quality control, tool making, reverse engineering, rapid manufacturing and design.

... “We can capture entire vehicles,” said Glassburn. “We can get accuracies as small as .0003 inches.” In addition to the photogrammetry accessory, 3D Engineering has a 2-axis integrated turn table, which allows for automated inspection.  ...

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