philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


3D Printers In A Prius Prove This Technology is Road Ready

What happens when you put a couple of cheap 3D printers in the back of your Prius, and drive around making products for people. Can you create a business? What are the best products to try and make? Two guys are trying to answer these questions with a new project called PocketFactory.

Using 3D Printing To Grow A Small Business
Bilal Ghalib and Alex Hornstein have put four consumer level (sub-$2,000) 3D printers in the back of their car and are making their way across the US. Their goal is to start a business of designing, producing and selling products made on these printers. They're also open sourcing everything about their adventure so anyone interested in duplicating the business can do so.  ...

As Hornstein notes during a conversation we had last week, the new consumer-level 3D printers are of a high enough quality that they can become essentially a production machine, yet they're at a low enough price that the barrier to entry is quite low.  ...

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