philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST 3D Proves Conversion Market – 97% Of Viewers Are Seeing It In 3D!!

... 97% of all audiences for BEAUTY AND THE BEAST saw it in 3Dand that is up from Disney's previous classic THE LION KING which enjoyed 92% 3D viewership. So if there was any doubt that classic movies (animations at least) could be successfully re-released with 3D conversions and enjoy handsome profits, they are long gone now.  ...

Carnivorous Products. Funny seeing that marketing term with a family movie, but it's true. BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is available to purchase on 3D blu-ray RIGHT NOW. Yes, you read that correctly - it is on retail shelves at the same time as theatrical release. TLK had a dedicated window of theatrical viewing before the disc release. In fact, the 3D blu-ray for B&TH has been on sale since October and it has already been discounted from $49.99 to $34.96.  ...

Read the full story here: 


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