philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


If you think they might have eye issues, take them to the movies

A visit to a 3D feature film provides young children with a "free eye test", Ireland's leading eye treatment experts have claimed.

Far from damaging the vision of young children, as has been claimed in some controversial reports, Irish optometrists say that 3D films can actually identify a range of hidden visual issues in children such as squints and lazy eye, once parents know what to look for in their children's reactions.

Optometrists now consider 3D technology to be a far more sensitive tool for discovering issues than the traditional eye charts, which have been used for 150 years.

"Binocular vision -- the ability of two eyes to focus on the same spot -- is necessary to perceive depth in a 3D film," says Peter Coleman, chief executive of the Association of Optometrists Ireland. "If they're getting headaches...

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