philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Cinemas open their screens to opera and ballet

Liping Zhang and James Valenti in Puccini's Madam Butterfly, which was filmed live in 3D at the Royal Opera House.

If there is a queue around the block leading into the local cinema this month, it might not be for the next in a chain of blockbuster action sequels. Should the cinema be a smaller, independent venture, people may be lining up to watch an opera or a ballet.

The growth of live and recorded opera and ballet performance for cinema audiences is providing a bankable boost for many cinemas. This spring, there is an added attraction: more productions will be screened in 3D, bringing audiences even closer to the theatrical experiences at a fraction of the cost of tickets.

Tomorrow, the Royal Opera House will release its new feature film, Madam Butterfly 3D, and the team behind the production argue it is not just a cheaper option for opera fans, but also a good way to be introduced to the form.  ...

Madam Butterfly will be the second collaboration between Covent Garden and RealD, following last year's Carmen in 3D, while Matthew Bourne will be bringing his hugely successful reworking of Swan Lake into cinemas in a new 3D format this month. ...

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