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One-on-One With Proteus Developer Ed Key

Proteus is all about exploration. The 3D wilderness is peppered with 2D elements, and as you wander the world nature dances in tempo to spacey, psychedelic music. There’s a beta version currently available for Windows, with OSX and Linux versions coming soon. We got in touch with Ed Key, the game’s developer, to learn a bit more.

...  The idea started out as a survival RPG (which I will almost certainly make one day) but morphed into becoming all about the audio, atmosphere and exploration. I sent an early build out to some people and was almost surprised how satisfying it was for other people, and in fact adding goals seemed to cheapen the experience somehow, so we kept it minimal.  ...

Game On: What sets Proteus apart from other games? And is there anything you wish you could have done differently?

Ed Key: Two main things: The total lack of external goals and the tight integration of the music with the environment give it a unique feel. I’m quite pleased with how the graphics turned out as they took many iterations and still seem to be quite distinctive. There’s nothing major that I’d change, but the codebase is fairly hacky and unoptimised, so I’m hoping to clean and polish it to get it as smooth as possible for release.


See the full interview here:

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