Exceptional 3D boss defends glasses free 3D technology
In March, Danny Kaye, Executive Vice President, Global Research and Technology Strategy at Fox, said he believed glasses free 3D technology could stunt growth of the 3D format. Analysts Futuresource have said auto-stereo 3D TV needs a radical re-think and Toshiba’s recent launch of its 55” glasses free 3D TV for consumers has received very poor reviews. ...
Some may consider the viewing experience less than satisfactory, but we respectfully disagree because the whole industry is really making incredible strides to improve the technology with every new generation of products and solutions coming out. Reaching new plateaus in the next few years could very well see larger format options becoming readily available and the improvements. Furthermore, niche experience applications could quickly reach a state of near perfection and in due time, it might not be unfathomable to imagine glasses-free 3D entering the home in a big way. ...
Read the full story here: http://www.3dfocus.co.uk/glasses-free-3d-2/exceptional-3d-boss-defends-glasses-free-3d-technology/8716