philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


3D TV take-up is sluggish but a 3D iPad will change everything: James Cameron

“For tablets and laptops, it’s a very straightforward engineering problem to do it, to have good displays without glasses, and I think the next breakthrough will be something like an iPad that has glasses-free 3D display, and then you’re going to see an avalanche of 3D production.

“We’re a few years away from a screen that size,” Cameron said, pointing at Samsung’s Series 8 LED TVs, one of the finalists, “that can be viewed without glasses, and I think that when you put the glasses on it has to be something special: if you’re sitting down to watch a movie that you love, that you own on a 3D Blu-ray, or you’re sitting down to watch a major sporting event.

“It’s working very well in that area, it just hasn’t broken through beyond that yet.”

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