philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


3D: Premium prices for not-so-premium experience

No, this isn't the '50s all over again. The 1950s 3D boom lasted about 18 months. This 3D revival arguably began with the Imax 3D version of "The Polar Express," in 2004, so it's already lasted five times as long. Two 3D movies have won cinematography Oscars. One is the biggest grosser ever. And if 3D TV ever really gets off the ground, 2D movies will go the way of black-and-white.

But I do have doubts. Some of what I see these days makes me wonder if this 3D movie revival carries the seeds of own destruction. Specifically, I think the 3D upcharge is proving both a blessing and a curse. We're getting movies with enough 3D to collect the upcharge, but not enough to deliver the premium experience the audience is paying for.  ...

But if filmmakers don't embrace 3D and make it a plus in their storytelling, and if exhibs won't do the extra work and spend the extra money to show 3D beautifully, eventually auds might decide that aside from the work of a few people who have publicly promoted the format, Hollywood's 3D is just a cynical cash-grab. And the sad part is, they might be right.

Then, 3D really might disappear again. Just like the '50s.

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