philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Wells Fargo Puts Virtual-Reality Twist on Experiential Marketing

oculus2-365The initiative, which has consumers playing a virtual maze game and includes social media components, represents part of a trend of bank brands creating funkier – and techier – in-person experiences to get in front of consumers one on one, to strike up conversations in a new way, to secure new customers down the road and to have a stronger shot to get positive mentions on the internet.

Umpqua Bank, well known for its quirky marketing, paid for a traveling digital art show last year to spice up conversations with bankers, for instance. And BancVue has hit the road on behalf of community banks recently with what it calls the Kasasa Rewards Rush tour that its customers can rent and consumers can find where it's heading online.

For Wells, there are several eye-catching components to the so-called Together Experience tour. At each event – indoors or outdoors – the bank sets up a tent and sometimes an awning that includes a photo booth, Oculus Rift headsets and a WizDish ROVR locomotion platform that consumers stand on to play the virtual maze game where they need to collect as many gold coins as they can before time runs out. Some Wells Fargo branding is woven into the game, and of course, Wells Fargo brand ambassadors are nearby to help navigate participants through the maze game just as the bank hopes to help navigate consumers with their financial journeys, said Copeland.

"The primary purpose is branding and getting Wells Fargo out there in a new and different and fun way," said Copeland.

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