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Newcastle virtual reality business recreates life inside Martello Towers for heritage project

JS70677257Newcastle-based virtual reality specialists Digital VR have helped bring the history of Suffolk coast to life, after being called upon to assist with a project celebrating the area’s heritage.

The company, which is based in The Toffee Factory, used gaming technology to create a virtual model of the historic Martello Towers, enabling anyone anywhere in the world to see what the inside of the structures were like both when first built and during World War II.

In all, more than 100 Martellos were built in England to keep the French from invading during the Napoleonic wars, with others being placed across the Empire from Australia to Jamaica.

Based on the design of the Mortella Tower in Corsica, which had withstood an attack by a Royal Navy battleship and a frigate for two days in 1794, some went on to be used by early customs patrols as lookouts in both world wars.

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