philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Cortana and HoloLens in your Windows car

cortana-hololens-in-the-car-microsoft-windows-660x330According to the exec, Microsoft’s Cortana will be an important part of autonomous and smart vehicles in the future as the company is working hard to try and integrate the virtual assistant seamlessly into the Windows in-car experience. Cortana and tech used in the Microsoft HoloLens will let drivers project the virtual assistant’s interface right onto their windshield and work from there.

With Google Car in development and to be widespread in just 4 years, Microsoft will have to consider the new developments that Google is doing with Android Auto and the AI software that they use for the Google Car. If Cortana and HoloLens work seamlessly throughout a driving experience, Microsoft has a change at securing itself a more sturdy place in the future.

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