philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


WakingApp Upgrades Entice Chinese Market with VR, AR, IoT Capabilities

WakingApp launches full Mandarin language version of its software after introducing world's first platform for non-developers to easily create Augmented and Virtual Reality.

WakingApp today announced a full Mandarin language version of its successful software, placing it prominently as the leading AR and VR software in the Chinese market. WakingApp provides a powerful cloud-based platform that enables users to create virtual and augmented reality content. Already, users around the world upload hundreds of new content every week; although, this is expected to increase as more Chinese users can now navigate the platform in their native language. The firm's ENTiTi VR content creation platform for PC and Mac is the first in the world to enable non-developers easily to create rich, highly interactive virtual reality content for leading devices, including the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. WakingApp enables anyone, without any programming experience, to create advanced interactive VR and AR content, including IoT capabilities, once and immediately make it viewable on leading Mobile VR glasses like Google Cardboard, Zeiss VR One, FreeFly VR and Samsung Gear VR and now also Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and upcoming new devices.

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