philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


The future of in-flight entertainment is coming

Some companies are already working on plane-specific applications for VR. A virtual reality production start-up called Trillenium has been working on a project that could make "windowless planes" a reality. The company is working on using a stream from the cameras on the outside of an aircraft, then stitching it together into a VR experience that a passenger could view through a headset. on-board virtual first class will allow economy passengers to taste the first class menu, explore a wine list, and IFE (in-flight entertainment) in return for a paid premium usage of the VR headset wherever they are seated," Hrvoje Prpic, chief executive of Trillenium, wrote in a LinkedIn post earlier this year.

Bring your own device

Airlines and plane makers are focusing on creating the infrastructure to allow internet on-board an aircraft. This is a big trend, one which could mean people are able to stream content.

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