philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


MIT made a movie screen that brings 3D to all seats – without the glasses

screen-shot-2016-07-25-at-8-48-08-am[Philip Lelyveld comment: I don't see anything here that goes beyond lenticular display tech.]

‘Cinema 3D’ that uses a complex arrangement of lenses and mirrors to create a set number of parallax barriers (think of Venetian blinds that show a slightly different set of pixels to each of the viewer’s eyes to simulate depth) that can address every viewing angle in the theater based on seat locations.

So far, the prototype isn’t nearly ready for market – it’s about the size of a letter-sized notepad, and it needs 50 sets of mirrors and lenses.

Researchers figured out you can do this in movie theaters because, unlike at home, you pretty much know where audience members are going to be: the seats are in fixed locations, and people tend not to move around, change seats or otherwise vary their angle of viewing too much during the screening of a movie.

See the full story here:

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