[philip lelyveld comment: short article by LEK consultants. Highlights here.]
...decide whether the application is for in-store or out-of-store use. This probably won’t be an issue in the long run, but today the two environments have different constraints.
...identify the customers who would like an AR or VR solution. Look for those who have the most to lose without it, as well as for pain points such as budget or time constraints. And keep in mind that one benefit of AR and VR is the ability to personalize an experience.
After that, establish the value proposition. ...
Finally, connect it to the business model. Set concrete financial or engagement goals that ensure the VR/AR offering is creating value for the business. Evaluate these at regular intervals....
See the full story here: https://hbr.org/2016/09/virtual-and-augmented-reality-will-reshape-retail