philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


4K virtual reality headsets now possible with Sharp’s latest IGZO display

vr_igzoSharp believes it has fixed this problem with the introduction of a new IGZO panel made specifically for use in VR headsets. Sharp has managed to increase the resolution of a 2.8-inch IGZO panel to 1920 x 2160 (that’s over 1,000ppi). What that means is placing two of those panels in a VR headset and using lenses still allows for magnification, but there are no visible dots anymore. And a side effect of the higher resolution per eye is that any headset using these IGZO panels can claim 4K virtual reality as a feature.

Supporting that higher resolution in a headset is going to require it be hooked up to a much more powerful PC. If you consider it could take a year or more for the IGZO panels to make their way into a consumer VR headset, that shouldn’t be a big issue. In fact, the next version of the Oculus Rift may end up using them if Sharp manages to keep the manufacturing costs down.

See the full story here:

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