philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Virtual reality, augmented reality markets poised for growth spurt

iphone-vrThe report, "The State of Virtual Reality - 2016", based on a survey of more than 100 product developers in the US that Yeti conducted in the second and third quarters of 2016, showed that 85 percent of those surveyed said they either already have VR projects underway, or will do so within one to two years.

When asked to identify which primary industries they think VR usage will significantly accelerate in the next two years, a majority of respondents (84 percent) cited entertainment. That's not surprising given the wide use of the technology for gaming purposes.

But education also scored high in terms of VR use (74 percent), as did media (63 percent), medical and healthcare (60 percent), high tech (56 percent), travel (54 percent), arts (52 percent), and real estate (51 percent). Also showing up on the VR radar screen were recreation, consumer goods, manufacturing, construction, service industry, and transportation -- among others.

According to the Yeti survey, 40 percent of respondents cited budget challenges for VR projects as a major obstacle in moving VR ahead in their organizations. And despite the enthusiasm for VR that survey respondents demonstrated, 40 percent admitted to having only an average or below average understanding of the VR development process.

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