Created by UK-based, transmedia artist Simon Wilkinson, The Cube is in Hastings as part of the Harcourts Hawke’s Bay Arts Festival. Audience members enter a shipping container one at a time where they are fitted with the latest in virtual reality technology and transported to the centre of an unsolved mass disappearance from the 1950s.
Wilkinson says Hastings is by far the smallest place The Cube has been to, yet our audience numbers have far exceeded those in large cities around the world.
The cost of The Cube has been covered by the Hastings City Vibrancy Fund in keeping with the fund’s key goal of raising the vibrancy of the central city.
“People were queuing to see The Cube and those coming out were absolutely raving about it”, she says. “The place really is buzzing; it’s fantastic to see.”
See the full story here: