philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Unveiling the first major virtual reality TV series, ‘Invisible,’ from director Doug Liman

la-1477513710-snap-photoOver its short but eventful life, modern virtual reality has yielded notable pieces involving concerts, sports, outdoor-adventure experiences, vérité documentary, Hollywood movie marketing and Pixar-esque shorts.

Rarely, though, has it seen a traditional scripted‎ series.

A new production, "Invisible," from the director Doug Liman, Condé Nast Entertainment and the VR company Jaunt, will change all of that.

The series, which is being formally released Thursday on many major VR headset systems — including Samsung's Gear VR, Oculus' Rift and the HTC Vive — ‎offers five episodes of about six minutes each. It follows the episodic format of a network prime-time soap‎, with the plot turns, cliffhangers and — maybe most important — editing common to the form. In so doing, it brings mainstream Hollywood and VR as close as they've ever been.

See the full story here:

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