philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


IrisVR raises $8M to bring virtual reality to architecture and design

screen_shot_2016-10-26_at_1-09-59_amIrisVR launched in beta earlier this year, offering the first full-suite of products that can edit, share and visualize 3D models in virtual reality. The software is first-of-its-kind, and immediately caught the attention of 45 of the top 100 global design and architecture firms. Since then, the company has seen downloads in over 100 countries. Additionally, The company’s ‘Iris Prospect’ tool allows professionals to upload their existing plans and blueprints with only a few clicks, and immediately enter a virtual rendering of their design using a VR headset.

“To date, VR has had the stigma of being some sort of gimmick, bordering on science fiction,” said Shane Scranton, Founder and CEO, IrisVR, in a statement. “Those perceptions are about to be shattered. There are real, industry­ changing applications for this technology and IrisVR is building one of them. Simply put, we’re reinventing the canvas on which a vast, global industry communicates

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