The Halloween scavenger hunt was being produced by San Diego-based augmented reality startup GoMeta, which officially went out of stealth mode Monday night. GoMeta is being led by serial entrepreneur Dmitry Shapiro, who until recently worked on Google's social media projects.
The startup is being backed by some high-profile angel investors including former Disney CEO Michael Eisner, former Myspace CEO Mike Jones and others, who have invested a total of $2 million in the company.
With that money, GoMeta now wants to take augmented reality to the next step: The company released a new version of its app Monday that allows anyone to take part in existing scavenger hunts or other augmented reality experiences, as well as create simple experiences themselves.
GoMeta competes in many ways with Niantic Labs, the company behind Pokemon Go. Niantic, which was originally incubated at Google, has also been working on ways for companies to build their own experiences. "Our ultimate goal is to build a platform," Niantic Labs CEO John Hanke told Variety last year.
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