philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Sony Seeks to Patent Method for Measuring Journalists’ Accuracy

a-151384-1130271702-jpegOn Thursday, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office published a pending application from Sony Corp. titled, "Veracity Scale for Journalists," credited as being invented by the successful record producer and futurist Albhy Galuten.

According to the application, the invention comes after Angie's List allowed workers in the home improvement trade to review each others' work, after Trip Advisor allowed tourists to rate lodgings, and after Facebook took a "thumbs-up" and "thumbs-down" approach to liking things or not.

At least according to Wikipedia, Galuten produced many number ones for artists such as The Bee-Gees, Frankie Valli, Barbra Streisand and Kenny Rogers and created the first commercial drum loop in "Stayin' Alive." Galuten is the credited inventor on numerous other patents.

Here is the patent application:

Here is the full story:

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