philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Davos, PokemonGo And A New Era Of Augmented Awareness

960x0-2Niantic Labs, creator of the wildly successful Pokemon Go, announced this week that it would be partnering with Global Goals by creating 17 new Pokestops around Davos, each themed around one of the 17 Global Goals, a set of ambitious targets affirmed by 193 UN member countries in 2015 and each designed to contribute to ending extreme poverty, reversing climate change, and ending inequality.

The partnership is fascinating for a few reason:

  1. Augmented Reality As A Bridge TechnologyThe campaign to place the Global Goals front-and-center adds a new dimension to that A/R experience, as it prompts contemplation of places, people and realities that extend far beyond even that real world location.
    1. Technology As A Platform For Impact

    For decades, the technology community has had a central role in driving forward the concepts and world-views that surround “social entrepreneurship” and business-for-good.

    1. New Collaboration Opportunities Between Business & Impact

    A larger theme is that businesses are spending more time integrating social impact as a core part of their strategy. These causes tend to specifically align with the brand, and the company is uniquely positioned to support the cause.

  2. See the full story here:
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