philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Disney – Catching a real ball in VR

extra_large-1490096543-cover-imageDisney Research lab has developed a particularly cool extension of this that allows users to catch a real ball while they're wearing a VR headset and fully immersed in a computer-generated world. The user, therefore, can’t actually see the real ball at all and is instead reacting to its projection as a virtual ball. Neat stuff.

"Catching and feeling the real ball in your hand makes VR much richer, more believable, more exciting, more interactive, more dynamic, more real," Günter Niemeyer, senior research scientist, said in a statement.

"With VR, we can show you the future by pre-rendering where the ball is going to be," Niemeyer added. "For some types of interactions, game designers might choose to take advantage of VR to make certain tasks easier, just as using a net to catch balls might make some games more enjoyable."

See the original post with video here:

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