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Enterprise Augmented Reality Hardware and Software Functional Requirements

AdobeStock_GenFutureTech-sm-768x543As part of the AREA’s mission to accelerate the adoption of Enterprise Augmented Reality (AR) by creating a comprehensive ecosystem, we are pleased to share with you the world’s first AR hardware and software functional requirements.

These requirements were initially created through a collaboration between UI LABSand the AREA and delivered through a project led by Lockheed Martin, Caterpillar and Procter & Gamble.

In March 2017, 65 organizations — including industry, AR providers, universities, and government agencies — came together for a workshop to discuss the requirements and offer insights into their challenges and needs in order to further develop the guidelines.

It’s important for any new global ecosystem to agree on a baseline set of requirements. They can act as a benchmark, help to create a shared understanding and language, and provide direction to the Enterprise AR ecosystem.

For Enterprises: AR functional requirements encourage interoperability, make RFPs easier to create, and provide a clear understanding of what is required.

For AR Providers: AR functional requirements clarify what enterprises need to make AR projects successful, which can then be used to influence development roadmaps and future product launches.

The documents below include requirements outlining:

pdf Hardware: Battery life; connectivity; field of view; on-board storage; on-board operating system; environmental; inputs/outputs and safety.
pdf Software: Authoring; AR content; creating 3D content; deployment of AR content and Internet of Things.

See the full story with links to the hardware and software rec pdfs here:

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