philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Virtual reality pornography could be available in thousands of European hotels room within six months

nintchdbpict000185830544“The EU has always been light years ahead of the US in terms of a more mature and progressive attitude towards sex,” Alvarez said.

“Because of the proliferation of iPads and smartphones, the hotels have taken a major hit on in-room adult movies purchases, which were a massive income stream at one point.

“I believe every male guest will want to try out an adult movie in VR.”

The Sun Online has seen correspondence which shows Alvarez and his associates at other adult companies have begun talks with a firm that provides content to 6,000 hotels across Europe, with the scheme expected to begin in the autumn.

This company, which we have decided not to name, already offers lonely travellers to chance to watch very naughty “adult content”.

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