philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Interview: Two Bit Circus is using VR to cram 50-acre amusement parks into 50,000 sqft spaces

brentbushnellbullsessionBrent Bushnell is the co-founder of a company that wants to build a family of high-tech amusement park-type operations around the country. And as if that’s not enough, when he’s not busy laying the groundwork for the first of those facilities – which is planned for Downtown Los Angeles and set to launch in early 2018 — he married Maggie Grace, the actress on Lost and Taken, this month.

“There’s kind of this backlash against technology, this idea that people are always on their phones and that their interactions with other people are mediated by technology,” Bushnell said. “We’d sort of like to reposition it and facilitate it with technology. At the end of the day, you and I are going to be elbow-to-elbow playing a game together, as opposed to being connected to our million closest friends while we’re just alone in our basement.”

The target market the company has identified is affluent young adults. Professionals perhaps out for a drink after work, 20- and 30-somethings who might otherwise be going bowling or looking for an escape room experience in the area. The founders even foresee company team-building events taking place in their spaces, maybe even client presentations there.

“Most people get to go to Disneyland maybe twice in their life,” he said. “Once as a kid and maybe once as a parent. We’re looking for something smaller that can be deployed in every major city — in the 40,000-80,000 square foot range, which you can just about put in every major city. We’re also looking for much more regular visitors. You’d come here more than twice in your life. We’re looking at all sort of different ways to engage people on a week-to-week or a month-to-month basis.”

See the full story here:

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