philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Sneak Peek: ‘Sword Of Baahubali’ Virtual Reality Experience Puts You Inside The Movie’s World

Knight-and-Huertas-AMD-1200x900Sword-of-Baahubali-VR-experiencePerhaps most exciting of all is the virtual reality (VR) experience Sword of Baahubali, which has been several years in the making and is now being readied for release starting in India this year.

I recently had the opportunity to visit the AMD studio in Hollywood where many of the technical and creative aspects of the VR experience have been managed. Hosting my visit were Project Manager James Knight, and Senior Tech Developer Anthony Huertas.

The Sword of Baahubali  will be introduced to the public as a location-based experience that will release this summer at mall kiosks across India, in what will be the first stage of a multi-country rollout.

See the full story here:

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