philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Startups ODG and Meta One-Up Microsoft HoloLens

Metas-wearable-is-much-less-isolating-than-a-full-VR-headset-but-still-fairly-heftyODG-is-going-for-both-portability-and-style-with-its-new-R8-and-R9-wearablesODG brings a lot to the party though. First, the R8 is incredibly light at under 5 ounces, and more comfortable than any VR headset on the market. Second, you aren’t isolated from the world around you

Finally, the R8 is completely un-tethered, so you can use it for a few hours between charges wherever you are.

One nice touch is that Meta has integrated the use of a physical mouse with the virtual environment, so you don’t have to mimic an orchestra conductor to get work done. The end result is that, for 15 minutes at least, I could imagine myself working in that environment instead of at my traditional multi-monitor desktop setup. More importantly, I can envision setting up an external GPU on my laptop on the road and having my entire office appear in front of me at will.

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