philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


The State of Virtual Reality


...Microsoft remains firmly committed to the technology, Kipman said.

"We are all-in on mixed reality," he said. "Our primary focus is making our Windows Mixed Reality experiences a success.

This year alone, Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo plan to ship Windows Mixed Reality-enabled headsets that work on Windows 10. Microsoft also recently unveiled motion controllers that are designed to be plug-and-play with those headsets and which will hit this holiday.

While Microsoft also has its own HoloLens augmented reality device, the company isn't saying much about it right now.

Bringing computing into the 3-dimensional world in which humans have always existed is the next step in making computing truly more personal.

Vive recently announced plans for an "all-in-one" Google Daydream-supported, mobile-phone-powered VR headset and earlier this year the company announced a tracker that can be used to help inject real world, trackable items into the virtual world. Both seem tied to where Vive sees VR heading.

"In the future, devices will become lenses, lenses that will allow us to see, touch and feel mixed reality," Kipman said. "Mixed reality will enable us to freely and instinctually mix real people, places, and things; with virtual people, places and things. This will unlock amazing new experiences anchored to the physical world around us.

"In the future, we won't need to choose between transparent or opaque headsets. Devices will adapt instantly blending the real and the virtual into mixed realities."

The PlayStation Eye introduced the concept to PlayStation gamers in 2007. From that came a redesign of the camera and more AR games. There were even AR games for the PlayStation Portable and Vita.

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