philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


This new game shows what the world might look like after the death of the smartphone

along-the-same-lines-the-ar-recordings-in-tacoma-that-are-used-as-employee-logs-could-also-be-applied-to-say-burglary-analysis-or-monitoring-pets-at-home-from-afar"Tacoma" showcases the potential AR future for stuff we usually do on smartphones and computers, which seems highly plausible given examples we've seen from places like Magic Leap.

In "Tacoma," set in 2088, you're an employee sent to explore an abandoned space station (named "Tacoma"). You can watch employee AR logs to unravel the game's story. In reality, that means you can watch their their lives play out through ghostly silhouettes and voice recordings.if-these-skeletal-frames-look-familiar-maybe-youve-seen-motion-sensing-cameras-in-action-before-microsofts-kinect-for-example-views-humans-through-a-similar-perspective

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