philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Isobar Creates VR Emotional Measurement Platform

vravatar-600_4UTXYOsWorking with the MIT Media Lab, Isobar developed a way to understand emotional states created by virtual, augmented and mixed reality experiences.

Isobar’s new emotional tracking system uses eye tracking, electroencephalography (EEG), galvanic skin response, EKG and facial electromyography (EMG).

“The issue is for us to understand emotions enough to tell when a person is open to a transaction,” said Meeker. “This is about brand commerce. It’s all about measuring content in 3D spaces.

The goal is to measure the emotions of individuals as they go through a VR experience to validate that a campaign is eliciting the desired responses.

Testing is pretty straightforward, as about 15 people get wired and go through a VR experience of fewer than 10 minutes.

The results can be viewed remotely, and the person viewing the results can go into the VR application to replay and see where the emotional states are and when they change.

See the full story here:

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