philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Douglas Coupland says Virtual Reality could replace ‘overrated’ books in post-millennial age

douglas_coupland_and_daniel_birnbaum_during_the_2018_verbier_art_summitCoupland, who made the forecast while speaking at the Verbier Art Summit in Switzerland over the weekend, added: “The post-millennial generation, around one and a half generations from now, is going to have people who have no connection to the real world”.

Describing VR as “probably the hottest medium, because it is completely immersive”, the Generation X author went on to controversially suggest: “Maybe books are overrated. Maybe they are an interim technology on the way to VR and we can now get rid of our books.”

Art in the Digital Age was the theme of the conference, which loosely attempted to address the question of what technology means for the traditionally conservative and technophobic art world, which trails behind the gaming, movie and pornography industries when it comes to VR.

“The Duchamp of the VR world is yet to emerge,” he said.

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