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Augmented Reality will change everything – this Finnish startup is building the ‘Photoshop of AR’

  • Emmi Jouslehto is all about Augmented Reality (AR), a technology that's soon expected to have it's big breakthrough.

  • She heads Arilyn, a startup that enables advertisers and entertainment groups to use AR in storytelling.

  • We caught up with Emmi Jouslehto to hear what's next for Arilyn and why she thinks AR will be a game-changer.
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BI Nordic: What does your company do?  

arilyn-slush-petri-anttilaEmmi Jouslehto: We are the leading Nordic AR service platform provider. For B2B customers, we provide an online service where they can easily manage their AR experiences for their own customers.

We focus on virtual storytelling, and we believe this will scale up massively in the coming few years. Arilyn’s service is specifically designed for virtual storytelling for professionals in marketing, media and entertainment.

Our customers include a lot of big names such as Nokia, Huawei, All Nippon Airways and several marketing and advertising agencies in over 15 different countries. They can launch AR-tools through Appstore and Google Play.

What is a competitor doing that you are inspired by?

There is so much happening in AR right now that I´m inspired about new things almost daily. For instance, Venturebeat recently wrote about an AR app called TendAR that reacts on peoples feelings.

Peter Thie'ls classic interview question: What do you think is true, that almost nobody else thinks is true? 

That focusing on something very niche and being the best in that very specific field is not always the best path for a startup; although it's a common piece of advice from investors.

At Arilyn, we have always kept our minds open for new various ways to use AR. We would not be where we are today, in the very center of AR evolution, if we would have focused on some very narrow field early on.

Talk about a tech trend that inspires you right now? 

I'm a geographer by education and it really inspires me to see how AR and other disruptive technologies are changing the way people use the space around us.

In the coming years, our surroundings will be filled with virtual content and it will inevitably change the way we behave and move in urban environments. It gets even more interesting when we combine AR with Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things.

See the full story here:

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