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Carl Bernstein speaks on ‘Fake News! The Media, The Truth, and our Democracy’

5ac99907a05bb.image“The truth is often complex,” Bernstein said. “It doesn’t always limit itself to a string of facts.”

A common failing is to leave out context. which brings deeper meaning and understanding to the facts, he said. Reporters should have a healthy skepticism but should not be cynics.

While those terms are often used interchangeably, the line Bernstein drew was between asking questions versus always expecting the worst of people.

Donald Trump might not record every word he utters during private meetings with staff, but he does one thing that gives us a clue as to who he is and what he’s thinking: He tweets.

“Tweets are readings of Donald Trump’s mind,” Bernstein said. “The lie is basic to how he conducts himself.”

Bernstein said it’s important for journalists to follow the lies and follow the money.

“For all our failures as journalists, there is also a failing of the citizenry,” Bernstein said.

People are no longer looking for information, he said, they are looking for affirmation of what they already believe.

See the full story here:

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