Walt Disney Animation Studio is set to debut its first VR short film, Cycles, this August in Vancouver, the Association for Computing Machinery announced today. The plan is for it to be a headliner at the ACM’s computer graphics conference (SIGGRAPH), joining other forms of VR, AR and MR entertainment in the conference’s designated Immersive Pavilion.
This film is a first for both Disney and its director, Jeff Gipson, who joined the animation team in 2013 to work as a lighting artist on films like Frozen, Zootopia and Moana. The objective of this film, Gipson said in the statement released by ACM, is to inspire a deep emotional connection with the story.
Cycles centers around the meaning of creating a home and focuses on the ups and downs of a family as they create a life in theirs.
When working on Cycles, the team used both Quill VR animations and motion capture to bring their idea into a 3D space.
Films like Cycles are far from mainstream, but as influential companies like Disney and Pixar continue to experiment in this space, the distant future of widespread VR cinema may be finally approaching.
See the full story here: https://techcrunch.com/2018/07/19/disney-to-debut-its-first-vr-short-next-month/