philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Industry Insights: Augmented reality adoption by broadcasters

“Leveraging data feeds, we can enable broadcasters to better engage viewers regardless of what platform they’re on and tell more compelling stories with in-studio and on-field graphics that require fewer resources and lower costs. Combined with virtual sets that allow broadcasters to change the look and feel of a set easily and at a lower cost, Avid is helping our customers deliver engaging content, ” added Thompson.

“These technologies offer really exciting new opportunities for revenue generation. Stations can use virtual set technology to create a lot more content and greater numbers of shows within the same studio space. Without the limitations of hard set costs or the time and hassle of dismantling physical sets between shows, new revenues come from the economy of real estate. Plus, the greater number of shows allows for more monetization. AR graphics themselves can serve as virtual advertisements, together with sponsored virtual graphics — both of which offer new revenue sources. In one example, the station could sell sponsorships of virtual players or data and stats; e.g. “this player segment is brought to you by (the sponsor),” along with a huge 3-D rendition of the sponsor’s logo,” said Cohen.

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