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Augmented reality exhibition takes virtual art outdoors in Hong Kong

  • Three art installations and five virtual artworks on show at Asia Society Hong Kong
  • International line-up of artists includes Carla Chan, Peter Nelson and Kikuji Kawada

Screen Shot 2018-11-12 at 11.10.59 AMThe three commissioned art installations all explore the relationship between humans and technology, according to Wong.

When We are Disappearing in the Digital by contemporary artist Carla Chan features a site-specific mural in the centre’s roof garden with a cut-out of a human silhouette that the audience can physically pass through.

When viewed through an AR app (developed by BNY Mellon) on a mobile phone, human-shaped silhouettes in front of the mural become distorted and pixelated. Chan teases a more symbolic idea.

The next art installation, Data Stones by visual artist Peter Nelson, is a set of computer-generated stone sculptures that visualise his online conversations with two other people.

Hidden at a scenic lookout on the site is A Crescent, Poplars, and Moon Trailing, Tokyo, a black-and-white photograph by Kikuji Kawada, which is part of BNY Mellon’s Arts and Artifacts collection.

Upon scanning a marker with the mobile app and pointing the phone at the sky, the original photograph will appear on the screen.

“It’s a photograph where you see the waning crescent [moon], superimposed with a moon trail.

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