philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


We Tested 5G Across America. It’s Crazy Fast—and a Hot Mess

B3-EN526_STERN0_12U_20190718180312Finding 3: Got a 5G signal? Don’t go inside.

Right next to that tower in Denver where I notched those crazy speeds is a small bakery with delicious bread. When I stepped inside, the 5G signal vanished. That’s the other thing about millimeter waves: Most can’t penetrate walls or other hard obstacles.

The carriers plan to use this technology to blanket large outdoor and even indoor spaces. AT&T, for instance, is targeting shopping malls, stadiums and convention centers. Unlike its competitors, AT&T is also restricting the network to business customers looking to develop products for the faster network. (These are the only people who should be buying 5G devices right now anyway.)

See the full story here: 

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