...a kite’s tale continues Disney’s trend of blending conventional, hand-drawn animation with cutting-edge CG, offering audiences a nostalgic experience that’s as cute as it is technologically impressive.
Directed by Bruce Wright, Effects Animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios, a kite’s tale follows a rambunctious puppy kite who becomes “tangled up” in the affairs of a stuffy old dragon kite.
That was arguably the most impressive aspect of a kite’s tale: its ability to deliver a genuine sense of nostalgia. It feels as though you’re watching a classic animation, despite the fact you’re viewing the action on a piece of cutting-edge technology. Overalll the biggest negative I found was in the run-time. As soon as I found myself beginning to connect with the characters, the credits had already begun to role, leaving me desperate for more of the dynamic duo.
With two impressive VR short films now under their belts, Walt Disney Animation Studios Short Circuit experimental program is quickly becoming one of the most impactful VR filmmaking programs currently in circulation. No doubt the funding and resources offered by Disney will prove indisposable to the growing VR filmmaking industry.
See the full story here: http://www.virtualrealitypulse.com/edition/daily-oculus-unity-2019-07-30?open-article-id=11022351&article-title=disney-s-latest-vr-film--a-kite-s-tale--is-adorable--albeit-very-short&blog-domain=vrscout.com&blog-title=vrscout