philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Lou Reed’s ‘Metal Machine Music’ reborn as a museum piece (3D Audio)


Now a 21st century vindication of "Metal Machine Music" continues with "Lou Reed's Metal Machine Trio: The Creation of the Universe," an installation opening Friday at Cal State Long Beach's University Art Museum. Reed will be on hand for the opening, then have a public conversation with famed rock record producer Bob Ezrin on Friday evening at the campus' Carpenter Performing Arts Center.

Like Reed's long-ago recording, the museum show deliberately confounds expectations: If "Metal Machine Music" is the album that went more or less unheard, "The Creation of the Universe" is the exhibition that will go absolutely unseen — for the simple reason that there isn't anything to look at. As an audio-only installation, it aims to introduce listeners to a new method of recording sound and hearing it played back as a three-dimensional, "ambisonic" spatial experience.

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