philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


The future of augmented reality might be in your ear ( next gen hearing aids)

Hearing aids for all

Hearing aids have long been flesh-colored devices worn in the whiskery ears of old people. Not cool. The Olive Smart Ear is small and Apple-white. You set it up via an app-driven hearing test to tune the device to the quirks of your personal hearing. After that, the device essentially EQs the world to your ears while also offering variable amplification taken from the traditional hearing aid playbook.

Olive Smart Ear
The innards of the Olive Smart Ear


The Nuheara IQBuds2 Max also tune themselves to your ears using an app-based version of the NAL-NL2 test procedure used by audiologists to improve speech intelligibility and smooth out differences in loudness around you. Directional microphones and an algorithm called SINC (Speech in Noise Control) also help create what Nuheara describes as listening "focus", not unlike the way your eyes can focus on some objects to the exclusion of others.

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