philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


What’s Next for Virtual Reality? An Insider Weighs In – Jesse Schell, CEO of Schell Games, shares some insight.

imageSchell Games is the studio behind popular VR software including I Expect You to Die, a game that sees players assume the role of a secret agent trying to escape from a variety of traps -- and a title that many critics have hailed as one of the standout exclusive virtual reality experiences.

Technologies that exist outside your pocket tend to diverge and diversify over time. Technologies that live in your pocket (phones, Swiss-army knives), tend to converge over time. Using a phone for VR (which phones were never designed for) is a kind of hack to do VR on the cheap. The three key factors for a successful VR system are low price point, hand tracking, and convenience. So far, phone-based VR only checks the low price point box, and I believe we will look back on it as a short-lived stopgap solution.

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