philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Two ways for artists to get paid in an age of infinite capability (piracy)


Tourrent Plans

Based around the idea that people who download music illegally would still probably pay to see their favourite artists play live, Tourrent Plans allows bands to plan a tour based on the location of people who illegally download their music. Data about the popularity of individual artists on BitTorrent trackers is pulled fromMusicmetric and then placed on a map, with the optimal route between each location marked out.




Flatdrop is an easy way for musicians to offer dowloads in return for a payment via ‘tipjar’ service Flattr. Downloads are hosted by SoundCloud and are unlocked once a fan has ‘Flattred’ the artist. While it’s already possible to pay SoundCloud users via Flattr, this adds a useful extra layer to the concept.

See other ideas here:

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