
Tourrent Plans
Based around the idea that people who download music illegally would still probably pay to see their favourite artists play live, Tourrent Plans allows bands to plan a tour based on the location of people who illegally download their music. Data about the popularity of individual artists on BitTorrent trackers is pulled fromMusicmetric and then placed on a map, with the optimal route between each location marked out.
Flatdrop is an easy way for musicians to offer dowloads in return for a payment via ‘tipjar’ service Flattr. Downloads are hosted by SoundCloud and are unlocked once a fan has ‘Flattred’ the artist. While it’s already possible to pay SoundCloud users via Flattr, this adds a useful extra layer to the concept.
See other ideas here: http://thenextweb.com/midem/2012/02/01/11-innovative-music-apps-and-services-from-midem-hack-day/