philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Top 10 Technologies That Revolutionized The Way We Watch Movies

The Hand-Held Camera – And we’re off! In the 1890s, Auguste and Louis Lumière developed the Cinematograph, which could be mounted on a tripod or carried by a cameraman. Shaky-cam, here we come!
Rotoscoping -

The Optical Printer –

Sync Sound 


The Steadicam –

Video –

Digital Video 

3D – 3D films first arrived in the 1950s, but were largely regarded as a niche in the movie industry for decades before experiencing a full-blown cultural breakthrough in the 2000s, culminating in the unforeseen success of James Cameron’s Avatar. Nowadays, nearly every blockbuster is released in 3D or IMAX. Sometimes both!

Computers –

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