philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


john craig freeman invites us to virtually visit the wet market of wuhan in augmented reality

augmented-reality-wuhan-wet-market-designboom-01 augmented-reality-wuhan-wet-market-designboom-04 augmented-reality-wuhan-wet-market-designboom-05 augmented-reality-wuhan-wet-market-designboom-06through the emergent technology of augmented reality, artist john craig freeman invites viewers worldwide to virtually visit the wet markets of wuhan — the place where COVID-19 is believed to have originated.

during the development of the augmented reality project ‘wet market, wuhan,’ artist john craig freeman traveled to the city of wuhan in 2016. the trip was part of the U.S. state department’s cultural diplomacy program, ‘zero1 american arts incubator.’ the project serves as a part of an extensive body of work which documents the rapidly changing city and sheds light on the complex and nuanced historical culture it holds.

photogrammetry. with this strategy, the artist stitches together thousands of individual images into one single three dimensional file.

See the full story here:

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