philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


How Netflix Creates Immersive Experiences with Exceptional Design and UX

[PhilNote: this is really about how Netflix attracts and retains customers, not "immersive experiences."]

Netflix UX lesson #1 

  • Simplify the user interface. Make your CTA prominent and clear and state your most important benefits next to relevant images.
  • Specify the number of steps to complete the signup to increase expectancy and boost motivation. Implement user testing to ensure your UX has minimal barriers to conversion.
  • Overcome obstacles by addressing common questions in an FAQ section before your final CTA.
  • Emphasize personalization wherever you can. Netflix has taken pains to tailor the experience to users’ expectations.

Netflix UX lesson #2: 

  • Another nod to simplification—streamline your onboarding and login screen. Include only the most necessary buttons and copy, and where possible, exchange text for universally understood symbols.
  • Give your users the ability to customize their experience. You may already have opportunities to do this in your settings, such as setting language or notification preferences.
  • Let users know about this or walk them through the preference set up in the onboarding stage.

Netflix UX lesson #3: 

  • Give your high-value content pride of place. Feature it prominently, give it a badge, promote it with video, or find another way to help it stand out among the crowd.
  • Continually add value to your platform. Netflix does this through its original content.
  • If possible, tailor your high-value content to each segment. Netflix does this through the algorithm’s selection of content and their thumbnail design.

Netflix UX lesson #4: 

  • Give users the opportunity to choose. Let them personalize their experience and give them as many options as you can allow.
  • Make cancellation painless, but offer opportunities for users to change their minds. Netflix does this by offering to keep in touch via email (and then showing users what they’re missing regularly throughout the month).
  • Remind users to return to the platform repeatedly through an engaging email marketing strategy.

See the full story here:

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