philip lelyveld The world of entertainment technology


Veritone will create and manage voice models for Mythical Entertainment, whose shows reach 75 million YouTube subscribers

Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal, better known as Rhett & Link, founders of creator-led content studio Mythical Entertainment and hosts of the most popular daily show on the Internet, "Good Mythical Morning," will use Veritone to create, manage, license and monetize their own hyper-realistic synthetic voices.

Veritone’s synthetic voice technology will enable Rhett & Link to level-up their content value by localizing its popular shows, developing new monetization channels and leveraging their branded voices to create new content opportunities.

"I cannot wait to hear my own synthetic voice speaking French," Rhett said. Added Link, "The possibilities for new content creation and connection with viewers beyond our core English-speaking audiences are endless."

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