1. Business schools venture into the metaverse
2. Gender inequality is happening in the metaverse
3. Want to be a chief metaverse officer? This is what the job looks like
4. Motion trackers could make metaverse avatars more lifelike
More on the metaverse from Agenda
Most internet users don't have a digital identity that they own. However, metaverse users will need one to allow them to move across multiple platforms. This means there will also need to be standards and regulations around creating digital identities.
How can companies make the right investment decisions in the metaverse? They’ll need to understand the competing metaverse visions that are being constructed, and closely monitor the key triggers that will determine whether a particular virtual world is gaining more traction than others.
See the full story here: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/12/metaverse-december-2022-what-to-know/